About me

Ten years ago I happened to go to a party where people were dancing swing. That was the first time I had experienced it, and now I can't imagine it not being a part of my life. Swing dancing is my greatest passion – and has now become my profession.

Once I had been bitten by the bug, I decided I wanted to learn from the best. So in 2005 I went to Stockholm, where I spent a year taking classes from the Harlem Hot Shots at the Chicago dance studio. It was also during this time that I fell in love with 20s Charleston and Authentic Jazz.

For the past ten years I've spent every summer at Herräng Dance Camp in Sweden. This is the world's oldest and biggest swing-dance festival, and it was where I had the honour of being taught by Frankie Manning.

The teachers who have had the biggest influence on me include Johnny Lloyd and Hanna and Mattias Lundmark, who cast me as a dancer in their musical Sing, Swing, Fling in 2008.

I adore bringing improvisation into my dance and infusing every

movement with as much energy and creativity as I can.

I live and work in Hamburg and Berlin.